Learn to Live a Better Life Dating A Russian Girl

9300+ July 21, 2022

Slavic women are those that hail from Eastern Europe and Western Russia. They are often portrayed as beautiful yet strong characters in international movies. There is truth in that due to the culture of the people in those regions, but many men have taken aback about that. Contrary to most men's expectations, the women are approachable even though they can be as tough as men. Many misconceptions about them needed to be debunked. From the viewpoints that have actually dated single Slavic ladies themselves, here are several lessons you can learn of.

1.Confidence Is a Priority

These beautiful Slavic girls can detect if you are displaying false bravado. They have ways of testing a man's confidence and then, they will evaluate if you have what it takes to handle women like them.

You can be confident in many ways but make sure that it is the appropriate amount. Confidence equates to strength in Eastern Europe and therefore, the'fake-it-until-you-make-it' scheme will never work.

2.‘Picking Up' Is Not Socially Acceptable

In Western Europe and North America,'picking up' is such a norm. A guy meets a random stranger girl and expresses his attraction to her through unique or'proven' pickup lines. He then asks her number or even for a date directly, as long as the girl agrees.

However, you can't do that to any of the hot Slavic women you run into. They prefer normal conversations rather than pulling such a gimmick. You can ask a Slavic girl out on the first encounter but only after both of you establish a connection through a proper conversation.

3.Learn When to Place Humor

What may be funny to you may not be to others. Slavic women do like jokes but only when the moment needs it. They are more on the serious side when conversing and therefore, unforeseen jokes can put you in a tough spot.

Sarcasm isn't even that appealing to them if inserted in a normal conversation. Being entertaining can add positive points to your reputation but be mindful when to play the humor card.

4.Attention Is a Must

Like all girls, Slavic females too want or need attention. They love it when they are made a priority. Some may see it as a'chasing game' but in a nutshell, they just want to be desired, in a wholesome way obviously.

Even if you are chatting with one of them on Slavic dating sites, you can observe that aspect in their replies. There can be many ways expressing that you pay attention to her like gift-giving, engaging in adrenaline-pumping activities, or just a mere companionship.

5.Be Careful of Your Words

As mentioned, they don't like jokes randomly thrown out due to their serious nature. If you have language differences, then there may be some words that appear to have a double meaning and so, you must be careful with that.

If you are chatting with one girl from a Slavic women dating site, you can just use online tools to assist in your conversation like the translator. However, in a personal meeting, words and sentences need to be devoid of any double meaning as much as possible.

6.Personality Has More Impact

You may opt to impress a Slavic girl with your knowledge of her language. It may be pretty impressive but unfortunately, that isn't a priority for Slavic women dating.

As mentioned, confidence does matter to Slavic girls. You can follow that up with the greatest bits of your personality. In that way, you can gain more progress even while having a language barrier.

7.Being Bold and Direct Can Add Attractiveness

You can be confident but sometimes, when conveying your true emotions and opinions, you may lack the courage to say the right things. Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on how you view it), hot Slavic women welcome the idea of you being bold and direct with your actions and advances.

They can't tolerate masking your actions or beating around the bush. Therefore, you need to follow up the confidence you displayed with guts and boldness. The moment you confidently confess your intentions, that alone adds up to your attractiveness and they may want you even more.

8.Women Will Always Be Women

Whatever culture or race, Slavic women are the same as the other women around the world. They have moods, tendencies, cravings, preferences, and so on.

Be it clothes, make-ups, cute stuff, or any feminine thing, Slavic women do enjoy them. So, if you are looking for gift ideas or romantic words to say, your experience with previous women, whatever their nationality is, can really help big time.

9.Learn to Blend In

Later on, as your conversations become deeper and the atmosphere becomes more intimate, it will be better to step up your game. At first, the beautiful Slavic women tend to be fond of you being foreign.

But as soon as the exchanges become serious, blending to their culture can surprise them in a good way. In short, they will appreciate it more if you can match their vibe quickly.

10.Be Affirmative and Consistent

It's not like you can meet Slavic women frequently. You may think that you can do a good job and prepare a lot but what's important is the delivery. Nerves can get the best of you and soon will affect your confidence, which is supposedly your number 1 trait.

To build momentum, you have to affirm yourself every time you hit a'milestone'. Recognize things like how you manage to gain her interest or you make her feel desired. It will boost your confidence more.

If you want a lasting relationship, you also have to be consistent in the good things you have done. Whatever will be the result of that particular encounter, either successful or otherwise, that experience can make you a better man.


Meeting with single Slavic ladies is not a walk in a park. They expect you not to be a knight in shining armor or a prince charming but a proud king of your kingdom. They expect confidence and they can bring out all the manliness in you. It will be an amazing experience.



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